Amazing Africa 2013
Er is geen continent op aarde dat zoveel verscheidenheid aan flora en fauna
heeft als Afrika. Van uitgestrekte savannes en oneindige woestijnduinen tot
dichtbegroeide regenwouden valk bij de evenaar. Zie hoeveel stammen, zoals de
Masaï in de savanne, nog op traditionele wijze leven en kijk hoe dieren hun
gedrag moeten aanpassen om te overleven. Ga mee op deze magische reis door de
geschiedenis en cultuur van de mensheid. Ga mee op reis door Afrika!
No continent hosts as many different environments and landscapes as Africa.
From wide savannahs, resting gently on vast desert dunes, to dense rain forest,
bordering the equator. See how many tribes, such as the Massai in the savannah,
have kept their traditional way of life to this day and watch how animals have
had to adapt their behaviours in order to survive. Join us on a magical journey
through the history and culture of mankind. Join us on a journey through Africa!
Post Information
Source............: RETAIL
Formaat...........: MKV / x264 (IT'S NOT 3D)
Video.............: 1920x1080 / 16:9
Audio.............: Digital Theater Systems / Dolby Digital 5.1
Genre.............: Documentary
Subs..............: Dutch (External Retail vob-subs)
Publication.Year..: 2013
Cover.&.label.....: Yes
Audio.............: English
RunningTime.......: 58 minutes