Haven (2014) Season 5 Episode 7: Nowhere Man
Haven is een klein stadje in Maine, waar vervloekte mensen in ballingschap
proberen een normaal leven te leiden, ondanks hun paranormale omstandigheden.
Wanneer hun vloek begint terug te keren, wordt FBI-agente Audrey Parker
(Emily Rose, bekend van Brothers and Sisters en ER) gestuurd om devreemde
gebeurtenissen te onderzoeken. Ze ontdekt dat het stadje Haven vol geheimen
zit, probeert de paranormale krachten onder controle te houden en de
mysteries van de stadsbewoners te ontrafelen.
She has no past. She has no family. She was raised in an orphanage. So, she
lives for what she does best: be an FBI agent. That's why Audrey Parker is
sent to a distant Maine village called Haven, to investigate the crime of a
prison fugitive. What she does not know, is that her past is connected to
that village, that old threats from the past are coming back, and she is going
to be a central piece on everyone's life... or death.
Bron..............: WEB-DL 1080p
Formaat...........: MKV x264
Video.............: 1916x1076 / 16:9
Audio.............: Dolby Digital 5.1
Genre.............: Crime / Drama / Fantasy / Horror / Mystery / Sci-Fi / Thriller
Subs..............: Dutch (internal External subs)
Cover.............: Yes
Audio.............: Englisch
Running...........: 43 minutes
year.edition......: 2014
Quality over Quantity (QoQ) Releases vertaling.
Vertaling Skip, Dragoman & Raven.
Controle: Mystery.