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Sonic Charge Synplant v1.1.2-R2R [deepstatus] torrent

Download torrent: Sonic Charge Synplant v1.1.2-R2R [deepstatus] torrent
Category: Categories > Software torrents > Windows - Sound Editing torrents
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Uploader: deepstatus
Torrent added: 2015-05-24 10:56:09

Torrent Description
Sonic Charge Synplant v1.1.2-R2R

Synplant is a software synthesizer with a genetic approach to sound creation. Instead of creating patches the conventional way by turning dials and knobs, Synplant lets you explore a world of organic sounds by planting seeds that grow into synth patches.

Once you are ready to get your hands dirty and dig deeper into the anatomy of Synplant you will have the option to crack open your sound seeds and modify their underlying genetic code.

Grow, Mutate, Create

The pur­pose of this product is to move fo­cus away from the some­times in­tric­ate and dif­fi­cult pro­cess of sound syn­thes­is and in­stead let you de­vel­op sounds by simply us­ing your ears. You will find that cre­at­ing synth patches with Syn­plant will be as easy as listen­ing and de­cid­ing what you like and then hav­ing the sounds evolve in the dir­ec­tions you de­sire.

Once you are ready to get your hands dirty and dig deep­er in­to the ana­tomy of Syn­plant you will have the op­tion to crack open your sound seeds and modi­fy their un­der­ly­ing ge­net­ic code.

Al­though Syn­plant is ex­ceed­ingly easy to use, whatever you do, do not let its re­l­at­ive sim­pli­city fool you. Be­neath its straight­for­ward and play­ful in­ter­face you will find a ver­sat­ile syn­thes­izer of the ut­most qual­ity with lots of char­ac­ter.

Requirements The minimum requirements for installing and running Synplant under Microsoft Windows are: • Microsoft Windows XP or later • A host application that supports 32-/64-bit VST 2.4 plug-ins • 2GHz Pentium IV or equivalent • 30MB of free disk space


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