Once Upon A Time (2015) Season 4
Episode 19: Sympathy for the De Vil
Emma Swan is van beroep bounty hunter en kan goed mensen opsporen die liever niet
gevonden willen worden. Zelf wordt ze op haar 28ste verjaardag gevonden door een
10-jarige jongetje die zegt haar zoon te zijn. Hij zegt in een dorp, Storybrooke,
te wonen waar alle sprookjesfiguren door de boze heks (zijn stiefmoeder) zijn
verbannen en dat Emma de enige is die deze vloek ongedaan kan maken. Alle
bewoners uit Storybrooke lijden door de spreuk aan geheugenverlies en weten niet
welk sprookjesfiguur ze eigenlijk zijn.
For Emma Swan, life has been anything but a happy ending. But when she's reunited
with Henry - the son she gave up for adoption ten years ago - on the night of her
28th birthday, everything changes. The now 10-year-old Henry is in desperate need
of Emma's help because he believes from reading a book of fairytales that she's
the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming - who sent her away from the
Enchanted Forest to be protected from a curse that was enacted by the Evil Queen.
Emma initially refuses to believe a word of Henry's story but soon finds that his
hometown of Storybrooke, Maine is more than it seems. Because it's in Storybrooke
that all of the classic characters we know are frozen in time with no memories of
their former selves - except for the Evil Queen, who is Storybrooke's mayor and
Henry's adoptive mother Regina Mills. Now, as the epic "Final Battle" for the
future of both worlds approaches, Emma will have to accept her destiny and
uncover the mystery behind a place ...
Spot Information
Bron..............: 1080p WEB-DL
Formaat...........: MKV x264
Video.............: 1920x1080 / 16:9
Genre.............: Adventure / Fantasy / Romance
Subs..............: Dutch (intern externe subs)
Cover.............: Yes
Audio.............: Englisch
year edition......: 2015
Running...........: 43 minutes
Quality over Quantity (QoQ) Releases
Vertaling: Dickey & Mandy
Controle: Dragoman