Fullmetal Alchemist (NOT Brotherhood)
Original Soundtrack Vol. 2!
Quality: 192 kbps, 44.1 khz.
Ready Steady Go! (READY STEADY GO)
Tenderness (恩愛)
Sin (罪)
Courageous Fight (敢闘)
Homunculus (ホムンクルス)
Solitude (孤独)
Pointless Argument (空転)
Remnants (残滓)
Loneliness (寥々)
Lust (春情)
Pulse (脈動)
Life and Death (死生)
Great Speed (神速)
Greed (強欲)
The Thread of Life (命脈)
Transient Life (露命)
Resentment (悲憤)
Inspiration (感奮)
Emptiness (空è™)
Horizon (天涯)
Immortality (無窮)
Eternity (久遠)
Gorgeousness (絢爛)
Deep Forest (深い森)
Dante (ダンテ)
Precautionary Rules (戒飭)
Revelation (啓示)
Patriotism (憂国)
Reflection (追想)
Tobira No Muko He (扉の向こうへ)