S P L i F F
VA-Reggae Love Jah
ARTiST...... : VA
TiTTlE...... : Reggae Love Jah
lABEl....... : VP
GENRE....... : Reggae
ENCOdER..... : Lame 3.98.4
QUAlitY..... : VBR 44.1kHz
StORE dATE.. : 00-00-2015
RElEASE dAtE : 03-13-2015
SiZE........ : 89,5 MB
TRACkS...... : 13
t r a c k s
01 Buju Banton - Our Father In Zion 00:28
02 Sanchez - Praise Him 03:46
03 Sizzla - Praise Ye Jah 03:46
04 Half Pint - Greetings 03:39
05 Tony Rebel - Jah Is By My Side 03:48
06 Terror Fabulous - Jah Works 03:32
07 Jah Cure - Jah Jah Bless Me 03:47
08 Fantan Mojah - Thanks And Praise 03:46
09 Sizzla Feat. Luciano - Jah Blessing 03:42
10 Glen Washington - Jah Glory 03:23
11 Garnet Silk - Jah Jah Is The Ruler 04:03
12 Bushman - Lighthouse 04:00
13 Luciano - It's Me Again Jah (Live) 06:48
48:28 min
n o t e s
Poetic praise to the higher power is the reference
for this 13 track collection of dancehall burners.
The album includes VP reggae classics from Buju
Banton, Luciano, Garnet Silk and more
a b o u t g r o u p a n d g r e e t s
Shout Outs To:
All groups/contributors putting out
good vibes. We will never know you
never be able to see your face but
we thank you from our hearts