The eighth series of QI, the BBC comedy panel game television show hosted by Stephen Fry, started on 17 September 2010. As each series of QI is based around a letter of the alphabet, all questions in the series had themes beginning with the letter "h". Series H was aired on BBC One. It was the first series of the show to be aired in high definition (HD).
Debutant panellists for this series were; Chris Addison, Clare Balding, Eddie Izzard, John Lloyd, Ross Noble, Daniel Radcliffe, Ruby Wax and Robert Webb. Lloyd is QI 's creator and former producer, while Izzard was a panellist in the unaired pilot of the programme, but until this series had yet to feature in the actual televised show. This was also the first series not to feature Clive Anderson as a guest.
1. Hodge Podge
2. Hanatomy
3. Hoaxes
4. Humans
5. Hanimals
6. Happiness
7. Horrible (Halloween Special)
8. Hypothetical
9. House and Home
10. Health and Safety
11. Highs and Lows
12. Horses & Hunting
13. Holidays
14. Hocus Pocus (Christmas Special)
15. Hypnosis, Hallucinations & Hysteria
16. History
17. VG Compilation 1
18. VG Compilation 2
Size.........: 3.6 GB
Format.......: mp4
Resolution...: 1280x720
Video........: H.264, 500 Kbps @ 25 fps
Audio........: AAC, 128Kbps, 48 KHz, 2 channels
ghost dog...