The sixth series of QI, the BBC comedy panel game television program hosted by Stephen Fry, contains episodes themed around the letter "f". Series F was the first series to broadcast originally on BBC One, starting on 9 January 2009, with the exception of two episodes: one made for Children in Need, which was broadcast on BBC Two on 14 November 2008, and a Christmas special, transmitted on 22 December 2008 on BBC One.
The rest of the series began on 9 January 2009 on BBC One, with an extended version of the show, known as QI XL, shown on BBC Two the following day.
Hugh Dennis, Marcus Brigstocke, Reginald D. Hunter made their first appearances while Terry Wogan, Dom Joly, Pam Ayres, Ben Miller, John Sergeant, Emma Thompson all made what have so far been their only appearances to date.
1. Families (Children in Need Special)
2. Fire & Freezing (Christmas Special)
3. Flotsam & Jetsam
4. Fight or Flight
5. France
6. Fakes, Frauds & Fakirs
7. Fingers & Fumbs
8. Fashion
9. The Future
10. Flora & Fauna
11. Film
12. Food
13. Elephants
Size.........: 2.34 GB
Format.......: mp4
Resolution...: 640x352
Video........: H.264, 500 Kbps @ 25 fps
Audio........: AAC, 128Kbps, 48 KHz, 2 channels
ghost dog...