The fifth series of QI, the BBC comedy panel game television show hosted by Stephen Fry, started on 21 September 2007. As each series of QI is based around a letter of the alphabet, all questions in the series had themes beginning with the letter "e".
Series E contained the first occasion of a single recurring theme specific to its run: the "Elephant in the Room" card. In each episode, one (or more) of the answers involved elephants. Whoever played their card at the correct time would score 10 bonus points.
This series contained the fewest number of debutants to date. Only two guests, Charlie Higson and Johnny Vegas, had not appeared on the programme before. This series was the first to contain an extra edition of outtakes.
1. Engineering
2. Electricity
3. Eating
4. Exploration
5. Europe
6. Everything, Etc.
7. Espionage
8. Eyes & Ears
9. Entertainment (Children in Need Special)
10. England
11. Endings
12. Empire (Christmas Special)
13. Elephants
Size.........: 1.87 GB
Format.......: mp4
Resolution...: 640x352
Video........: H.264, 600 Kbps @ 25 fps
Audio........: AAC, 128Kbps, 48 KHz, 2 channels
ghost dog...