The third series of QI, the BBC comedy panel game television show hosted by Stephen Fry, started on 30 September 2005. As each series of QI is based around a letter of the alphabet, all questions in the series had themes beginning with the letter "c".
Series C saw the first appearances of Andy Hamilton, Doon Mackichan and David Mitchell, as well as the only appearances to date of Alexander Armstrong, Helen Atkinson-Wood and Rory McGrath.
Another notable first was the idea of the studio audience picking up or losing points for one of their number shouting out an answer. On this occasion - episode 9 - the audience received a forfeit. In later series though, the audience would be credited as the winners of some episodes. Rather ironically, series C is also the only series to date not to feature a Christmas-themed special.
1. Campanology
2. Cummingtonite
3. Common Knowledge
4. Cheating
5. Cat's Eyes
6. Cockneys
7. Constellations
8. China
9. Creatures
10. Cleve Crudgington
11. Clowns
12. Combustion
13. Extras
Size.........: 2.28 GB
Format.......: mp4
Resolution...: 720x574
Video........: H.264, 725 Kbps @ 25 fps
Audio........: AAC, 128Kbps, 48 KHz, 2 channels
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