The second series of QI, the BBC comedy panel game television show hosted by Stephen Fry, started on 8 October 2004. As each series of QI is based around a letter of the alphabet, all questions in the series had themes beginning with the letter "b".
Series B saw the first attempts to pay attention to a single theme within one episode, such as "Birds" in episode 2. The theme alluded to though, did not always begin with B (for example, episode 1 is announced as being about "Colour"), if present at all. First-time panellists included Jeremy Clarkson, Fred MacAulay, Dara Ó Briain, Arthur Smith and Mark Steel. This series also saw the only appearances to date of Barry Cryer, Mark Gatiss, Phil Kay, Josie Lawrence and Anneka Rice, as well as the last appearance of Linda Smith before her death from ovarian cancer in 2006.
1. Blue
2. Birds
3. Bombs
4. Bible
5. Bears
6. Beavers
7. Biscuits
8. Bees
9. Bats
10. Bills
11. Beats
12. Birth (Christmas Special)
13. Extras
Size.........: 2.13 GB
Format.......: mp4
Resolution...: 720x574
Video........: H.264, 725 Kbps @ 25 fps
Audio........: AAC, 128Kbps, 48 KHz, 2 channels
ghost dog...