As has been noted in nearly every published review of this CD, and as even a superficial listen to it bears out, Elastica was influenced by Wire. To complain about this, however, is like complaining that The Rolling Stones were influenced by Chuck Berry, that Interpol were influenced by Joy Division, or that REM were influenced by The Velvet Underground, The Byrds, and Big Star. Music is a continuum, an evolving dialog with listeners. That Elastica use Wire as a starting point is perfectly fine with me! Our heroine's troubles with heroin meant that her muse was killed as quickly as it came, but she left behind a very nice monument to the sounds of agitated punk girl group rock - circa mid 1990s (now approaching two decades old). No, it's not groundbreaking or original, but it is good. If any of the foregoing review interests you, check this CD out. If not, you'll survive if you pass it by.