Анатомията на Грей
Жанр: Комедия, Драма, Романтика
Година: 2013
Държава: САЩ
Времетраене: 42 минути
Режисьор : Шонда Раймс
В ролите: Елън Помпео ,Сандра О ,Катрин Хийгъл ,Джъстин Чембърс ,Т.Р Найт ,Чандра Уилсън, Джеймс Пикенс, Патрик Демпси и други
.: Резюме :.
Интересен, смислен, забавен, но и сериозен - накратко това е сериалът "Анализът на Грей". Излиза през 2005 година по ABC, като първият сезон има 9 епизода, втори сезон излиза на 25 септември тази година. Най-общо казано се разправя за група стажанти по медицина - хирурзи. Въпреки, че може да се нарече докторски, не трябва да се прави аналогия със "Спешно отделение", защото филма набляга повече на отношенията между хората, на тяхното обучение в тази сложна и отговорна професия, а не е от началото до края "екшън" с много кръв, сложни термини и още по сложни операции. Разликата е, че главните герои тук са все още стажанти, а не са завършени супер-доктори, които спасяват животи на конвейр, а и повечето време работят в хирургията, а не в спешното. Все пак обаче има прилика между двата сериала, по отношение на сезона, в който доктор Картър и компания бяха все още заблудени стажанти. Освен това "Анализът на Грей" може да се определи и като комедия, защото има много забавни моменти, които ще ви накарат да се разсмеете.
Централно място в историята заема Мередит Грей, тя е първа година стажант по хирургия в болница "Грейс" в град Сиатъл, в която се провежда най-тежката стажантска програма по хирургия, западно от Харвард. Тя и колегите й - Кристина Янг, Изи Стивънс, Джордж О`Мали и Алекс Карев до вчера са били студенти. Днес,вече лекари, се обучават в свят, в който работата е на живот и смърт и им се налага да жонглират с възходите и паденията в личния си живот. Петимата стажанти се опитват да станат приятели в изключително стресова и конкурентна среда.
Заглавието на сериала е препратка към името на един от най-известните английски учебници по медицина, чийто автор носи името на главната героиня - Грей.

Grey's Anatomy
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Year: 2013
Country: USA
Runtime: 42 min
Producer: Shonda Rhimes
Cast: Ellen Pompeo, Katherine Heigl, Justin Chambers, Patrick Dempsey and others
.: Plot :.
Working eighty-hour weeks in the fast-paced medical world makes it hard to lead a real life, but Meredith Grey sure is trying.
Meredith's (Ellen Pompeo), along with interns Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens, George O'Malley and Alex Karev's, medical world revolved around textbooks and professors yesterday, but today they are experiencing medicine first-hand as surgical interns at Seattle Grace Hospital, a teaching hospital with one of the toughest residency programs in the nation. Here, they must learn to balance their personal lives with their highly competitive professional lives, all while dealing with the daily stress of life and death situations.
Each of the interns has a unique personality, which, at times, clash as they struggle to work and live along side one another. Meredith is following the same career path as her mother, Ellis Grey's, a highly successful and noted surgeon, all while dealing with her mother's advanced Alzheimer's disease and coping with her less than perfect childhood. Izzie Stevens (Katherine Heigl) was born and raised in a small town, and was able to overcome her impoverished surroundings by putting herself through medical school by way of a successful modeling career. Despite being able to model barely-there clothes, Izzie remains very self-conscious in everything she does. Cristina Yang (Sandra Oh), the most competitive of the interns, strives to be the best at everything she does. She graduated at the top of her class from an Ivy League University, and reminds those around her of it constantly. George O'Malley (T. R. Knight) is the typical "boy next door" type who, despite the best of intentions, always manages to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. In spite of his strong attraction to one of the interns, George is treated like "one of the girls", much to his chagrin. And Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) hides his blue collar roots with a large ego and arrogant personality that the other interns love to hate.
Leading the interns are three highly skilled and renowned surgeons, unwavering in their pursuit to form the interns into the best surgeons that they can possibly be. Miranda Bailey (Chandra Wilson), appropriately nicknamed "the Nazi", is the senior resident overseeing the five interns and is relentless when it comes to their training. Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey), nicknamed "McDreamy" by the female interns, is a prominent brain surgeon who has had an attraction to Meredith from day one, but his pursuit of Meredith became more complex with the arrival of his wife, Dr. Addison Shepherd (Kate Walsh). Preston Burke (Isaiah Washington) has an arrogance similar to Alex's, but his surgical skill remains second to none. And supervising each of them is Dr. Richard Webber (James Pickens, Jr.), Seattle Grace's chief of surgery. Seattle Grace has also experienced the addition of two extraordinary doctors to their staff, Dr. Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez) and Dr. Mark Sloan (Eric Dane), each wasting no time in getting tangled up in the complex relationships of the staff.
Now entering their first year as residents, Meredith Grey, Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens and Alex Karev must apply everything they've learned during their internship and mentor their own interns, including Lexie Grey (Chyler Leigh), Meredith's half-sister, and George, who failed his exams.
Through their struggles, both in and out surgery, Grey's Anatomy shows the struggles that doctors face as they try to find balance in the whirlwind lives that they lead. But the struggles make them stronger, and the ups and downs teach each one of them that medicine isnâ™t always black and white, right or wrong. Sometimes life comes in shades of gray.