The show takes place in Los Angeles, California, where Ray Donovan (Liev Schreiber), who is originally from South Boston, is a "fixer" for the powerful law firm Goldman & Drexler that represents the rich and famous. However, he experiences his own problems when his father, Mickey Donovan (Jon Voight), is unexpectedly released from prison.
Vertaling: S1l3nc0r, Seba28, TinusTussengas & wgm50
Controle: TinusTussengas & Quetsbeek
Seizoen 1 Aflevering 10: Fite Nite
Ray and the family attend Fite Nite at the Donovan Fite Club. Meanwhile, Ray's plan with Sully is put into action; Mickey meets with an unlikely lady; and Bunchy encounters someone from his past and it sends him into a tailspin.
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