Year of release : 2013
Genre : Action (Tactical / Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person / 3rd Person
Developer : 2K Marin
Publisher : 2K Marin
Region game : Region Free
Firmware : LT + 2.0 minimum version of Dashboard : 16202
Age : M - 17 years
Language Game : ENG
Transfer type game : 1962. Height of the Cold War.
The United States faced a potential equal to the world has ever known.
To counter it created the Office - a secret organization whose
purpose is not just to cope with the enemy, but also to conceal
its existence, to prevent panic. In the role of Special Agent
William Carter, players will lead a squad and to stand up for
humanity. To game worked under LT.3.0 skipped before recording banish the image through ABGX-360
it dont work. i have lt 3.o and says unreadable disc ran it thru abgx. and got the same topology is do you get this to work. waisted 2 verbatim dl discs
going to try it now. I tried image burn last time and I did truncate , but still had error. But many thanks bro... will give it a bash.
will let you know>