Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes-CRACKED
Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes is the new standalone expansion to Stardockâ™s turn-based, fantasy strategy game. Players will forge a new empire in a world sundered by powerful magic, fight against terrible creatures, complete quests and rediscover lost secrets in their bid to rule the world of Elemental.
Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes is a standalone expansion. No prior games are required to play.
Key Features
Gain Champions Through Fame: Champions are no longer simply found, instead, they seek you out based on the amount of Fame your kingdom has generated. And not all of these legendary heroes were Men or Fallen…
New Leveling System: Your sovereign and champions now evolve through a skill tree that visually allows you to plan what kind of hero you want him or her to be. Make your mage into a powerful Necromancer, or train your Assassin in special attacks that bleed the life from your enemies.
Updated Tactical Battles: Battles are now more intense with additional special skills, combat mechanics, spells and new maps.
New Monsters: The legendary heroes didnâ™t reach our lands alone. The events of the Fallen Enchantress have raised the dead and caused forgotten creatures to return to the surface of the world.
More Magic: New spells like ‘Lightning Formâ™ and ‘Raise Skeletal Hordeâ™ add new options and dangers to battle.
Larger Maps: A new gigantic sized map delivers truly epic games.
Updated Graphics Engine: An improved graphics engine delivers stunning new visuals while improving performance on older machines.
And much, much more!