The 4400 Season 2 DVD NL subs DutchReleaseTeam
In de afgelopen eeuw zijn duizenden mensen vermist geraakt.
Plotseling en onverklaarbaar keren 4400 vermiste personen allemaal tegelijk terug; en ze zijn niets veranderd.
Niet wetend wat deze ingrijpende gebeurtenis betekent, onderzoekt de overheid de 4400 mensen om erachter te komen waar ze zijn geweest en waarom ze zijn teruggekeerd.
Het wordt al gauw duidelijk dat hun aanwezigheid de mensheid zal veranderen op een manier die niemand ooit had kunnen voorzien.
Acteurs : Jacqueline McKenzie, Laura Allen, Conchita Campbell, Joel Gretsch, Patrick Flueger
Taal : Engels
Ondertiteling : Nederlands
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller, Sci-Fi
1 Wake-Up Call
Kyle tries to visit his cousin Shawn at The 4400 Center but is thrown out.
Richard and Lily are desperate to protect their infant daughter, Isabelle from Collier and other maniacs, and a schizophrenic 4400 wants a huge communicative device and makes it a hospital's project from a minor position.
2 Voices Carry
A baseball player is overwhelmed by a special 4400 ability.
Collier is involved with a weapons' dealer.
To Maia's delight Diana's sister visits them.
Richard and Lily seek shelter at a motel where Isabelle takes some surprising initiatives.
3 Weight of the World
A salesman's saliva has an extremely slimming effect on people.
Lily suspects a new pregnancy as Richard stumbles onto a case of jealousy.
So does Collier, and Shawn is disgusted by his moral.
Kyle is tempted to join a wild students' party.
Maia finds her aunt's work very interesting.
4 Suffer the Children
Some schoolchildren get startling abilities and some parents suspect child abuse by a 4400 who is their teacher. Jordan Collier changes attitude, especially towards Isabelle and her parents.
Shawn is fascinated by a young homeless girl.
5 As Fate Would Have It
Maia has a vision that frightens her and causes the NTAC serious concerns.
Heidi visits her mother which makes Isabelle cry in despair.
Collier sees Isabelle to get some crucial advice.
6 Life Interrupted
Tom Baldwin wakes up in a parallel or alternate world where he has married a woman two years ago but he has never seen her before.
There is no trace of any 4400s from the future with special skills, and Jordan Collier is Governor.
7 Carrier
After living for 8 years in an alternate world that only Tom and Alana remember the world with the 4400 has returned as it was at the second the 8 years started.
A 30 year old 4400 woman wakes up and finds everybody else in her local community dead.
Maia puts April's love for her to a test.
8 Rebirth
A male 4400 originally from Rwanda repairs bad chromosomes of unborn.
Kyle is utterly despaired as he suddenly remembers what he did during his blackout.
Rishard attends a co-veteran's funeral. Diana takes s hard family decision.
9 Hidden
NTAC is keen to find Jordan Collier's killer as Tom is desperate to find Kyle.
10 Lockdown
On John Colliers'ø birthday NTAC receives threatening e-mails and gets attacked by terror.
Kyle is concerned that an innocent will be convicted for killing Collier.
Maia gets a mysterious infection and is treated at NTAC.
Isabelle has broken off her special communication with her mother and transfers it to her father.
At school a girl is very interested in Kyle.
11 The Fifth Page
The authorities led by Dennis Hyland wants to quarantine every 4400, as several of them are sick with the same as Maia.
Hunted by bad conscience Kyle somehow contacts Marsden's girlfriend.
12 Mommy's Bosses
7 of the 4400 have died and Maia gets worse all the time.
Out of suspicion and despair Diana threatens Dr. Hudson with a gun.
Lily has run away with Isabelle and Richard pleads he to come back.
Marsdem seems unable to avoid a long prison term which makes Alison contact Kyle.