Alphas follows a team of ordinary citizens whose brain anomalies imbue them with extraordinary mental and physical abilities. Taking the law into their own hands, the unlikely team, led by Dr. Lee Rosen (David Strathairn) investigates cases that suggest other Alpha activity to uncover what the CIA, FBI and Pentagon have not been able or willing to solve. These gifted individuals must balance their quirky personalities and disparate backgrounds with their not always visible powers as they work to solve crimes, stop the ticking time bomb and catch the enemy.
Vertaling: Désirée, Quetsbeek, Xtreme
Seizoen 2 Aflevering 2: The Quick and the Dead
On the hunt for a killer, the team realizes the search has lead him directly to them with a deadly consequences.
Deze serie wordt u aangeboden door het DutchReleaseTeam.
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