This is a complete collection of every Atari 2600 game released in the U.S. along with the corresponding manuals plus a few hacked versions and complete games created by fans.
I also included a few of the best emulators (Windows versions). Stella (also available on other platforms) is the all around best one for compatability and speed (for faster machines). PCatari works smoother on slower machines.
This is the download for you if all you want to do is play Atari 2600 on your computer without having to download a bunch of extra useless stuff. All you need is right here in one small download!
Also, I don't have a whole smorgasborg of confusing files to mulch through.
I divided the files into 3 seperate folders for easy identification: 1.Roms 2.Manuals 3.Emulators
Easy as 1-2-3! First intall an emulator (Stella is recommended) then load the rom folder into the emulator and you're off!
To get Stella for other operating systems go to:
If you enjoy this download please feel free to leave a positive comment and a good rating. Thanks and have fun!
IMPORTANT!!! You need to push the F2 function key to start most of these games. However some games will start by pressing the spacebar. A detailed manual complete with illustrations can be found in the Stella docs folder and it even inludes a brief history of the 2600 VCS!