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Cover art: [url]http://www.hotimg.com/image/DXgJasN[/url]
Season: 8
Season Name: Arrancar - The Fierce Fight
Episodes: 152-167
Episode Details:
152 "Ichigo Strikes Back! This Is My Bankai"
153 "The Devilish Research! Szayel Aporro's Plan"
154 "Rukia and Kaien, the Sorrowful Reunion"
155 "Rukia Retaliates! Release the Desperate KidÅ"
156 "Ishida & Pesche, the United Attack of Friendship"
157 "Ishida's Trump Card, Seele Schneider"
158 "Right Arm of the Giant, Left Arm of the Devil"
159 "Yasutora Sado Dies! Orihime's Tears"
160 "Testament, Your Heart is Right Here..."
161 "The Cruel Arrancar, Ulquiorra's Provocation"
162 "Szayel Aporro Laughs, The Net Trapping Renji is Complete"
163 "Shinigami and Quincy, The Battle with Madness"
164 "Ishida's Strategy, 20-Second Offense and Defense"
165 "The Murderous Intent Boils! The Joyful Grimmjow"
166 "Desperate Effort vs. Desperate Effort! Hollowfied Ichigo"
167 "The Moment of Conclusion, The End of Grimmjow"
Uploader Notes:
*Respect the staff...enjoy the upload*
~~~Seed to share...others will care~~~
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