Release Title:Yellow.Brick.Road.[2010](A.UKB-KvCD.BINGOWINGZ) Release Date:1 June 2011 (USA) Genre:Horror | Thriller RunTime: 95 Minutes
One Morning in New England, 1940, the entire population
of Friar New Hampshire - 572 people - walked together up
a winding mountain trail and into the wilderness.
They left behind their clothes, their money, all of their
essentials. Even their dogs were abandoned, tied to posts
and left to starve. No One knows why. A search party
dispatched by the U.S. Army eventually discovered the
remains of nearly 300 of Friar's evacuees. Many had frozen
to death. Others were cruelly and mysteriously slaughtered.
The bodies of the remaining citizens are still unaccounted
for. Over the years, a quiet cover-up operation managed to
weave the story of Friar into the stuff of legends and
backwoods fairy tales. The town has slowly repopulated, but
the vast wilderness is mostly untracked, with the
northern-most stretches off limits to local hunters and loggers.
Cassidy Freeman ... Erin Luger
Laura Heisler ... Liv McCann
Anessa Ramsey ... Melissa Barnes
Clark Freeman ... Daryl Luger
Lee Wilkof ... Clerk / Usher ORIGINAL Source: UNVEiL < Cheers Video: MPEG1/PAL 352x288/25fps Audio: 44.1kHz/128kbps/Stereo Size Of BiN File:792MB Sample Included:Yes
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