Set in a fully realised, authentic recreation of Tokyo's "Sin-City District" the deep and interweaving crime drama of Yakuza 4 unfolds through the eyes of four unique and dangerous characters. Playing as the legendary Kazuma Kiryu, the loan shark Akiyama, escaped convict Saejima or detective Tanimura, players will need to survive the dangers and temptations of the Japanese underworld.
Yakuza 4 picks up the story of Yakuza 3 one year later and takes the player back to Tokyo. The story starts when a man is shot to death in the ruling territory of the Tojo Clan, the organisation that has featured in all games in the series to date. A small gang which belongs to Tojo Clan try to establish what happened and their leader is soon found stabbed to death. These events cause a heated battle between four men over money, power, status and honour. The truth becomes apparent as the lies, betrayals and entwined stories are revealed and when these 4 unflinching men get together, the new legend of Kamurocho is born.
Experience the Japanese underworld under the guise of 4 characters - it would not be a Yakuza game if you couldn't still play as Kazuma, but now play as three of the other key characters from the franchise. Each character has different missions and allows the player to explore the city from different viewpoints and engage in the Japanese underworld more than has ever been seen before.
Authentic replication of Tokyo - In addition to the bright lights of downtown Tokyo, players can now go into the depths of the intricate underground, explore the backstreets of the city and take in the views from the rooftops of buildings.
Become the ultimate fighter - Enhanced battle mechanics and a new fighter training system allow players to work of their skills and become the ultimate fighter.
Deep Japanese story - An intricate storyline that incorporates all aspects of Japanese culture including hostess bars, karaoke and city exploration.
works 4 me on 3.55 kmeaw.
but the language on this is JAPANESE, but it has ENGLISH subtitles only,
i dl this last week and thought it was english language but wasnt,
english subtitles only,but wont stop me from playing it.
and thanks 4 the game