Ricky Ponting 2007 Pressure Play (otherwise known as Brian Lara Pressure Play for gamers in the UK) is the first appearance of Codemasters' long-running cricket series on the PSP. Pressure Play is, in essence, a stripped-back version of the console games released earlier this year and features a similar gameplay style but with far fewer match options packed into it.
If you face any problem or have any queries, you can PM me!!
YOU CAN REQUEST FOR PSP GAMES HERE If you get the error ( game could not be started(80020148) this means that your FW does not supports the game(its very rare!)
IN this case u need a FW upgradtion/downgration!!
I would suggest you to upgrade/downgrade your psp to 6.20 PRO-B6 as it is the best hack till now and would help u alot in future..it supports all latest games!!!