Episode Breakdown
Show: Hiccups
Season: 2 Episode: 4
Released: 27th Jun 2011
Filesize: 174.65 MB
Airs: Monday
Status: Pending
Though wildly successful in her career, Millie is socially unpredictable. She is prone to sudden outbursts of laughter, sadness and rage. All traits that life coach Stan (Brent Butt) tries to subdue, her publisher Joyce fails to keep under wraps and her slick but useless agent is too self-centred to notice. Meanwhile Crystal, a highly opinionated young slacker receptionist at Millieâ™s publishing company, Haddison House, doesnâ™t do much for the companyâ™s image. Stan finds life-support in his wide-eyed and slightly bewildered wife, Anna, who does her best to support his impractical dream of becoming a life coach.
Airs on: CTV, Mondays at 08:00 PM (30 min.) | Premiered: March 1, 2010