From Matt Olmstead and Nick Santora, writers/producers of the hit series "Prison Break," comes "Breakout Kings" a new action-packed ensemble drama following an unconventional partnership between the U.S. Marshals' office and a group of convicts as they work to catch fugitives on the run. After 72 hours, the odds of finding an escaped prisoner drop to less than five percent. Knowing that there are few things more dangerous than a convict on the run, and tired of outdated methods of law enforcement, veteran U.S. Marshals Charlie Duchamp (Laz Alonso Avatar, Fast and the Furious 4: Fast & Furious) and Ray Zancanelli (Domenick Lombardozzi "The Wire," "Entourage") decide to reject protocol and take an unorthodox approach to their work: using former fugitives to catch current ones.