The series is one of the most popular shows on BBCâ™s iPlayer. The second series premiered on BBC Three on 10 January 2010. The third series premiered on 23 January 2011. The day following the series 3 finale, the BBC announced
a fourth series would premiere on the BBC in 2012....
Please enjoy This collection from the BBC
This is the complete: pilot, season 1, season2, season 3
This is my first upload with Samurai Release Group
To all my fans from the past.....I'm Back!!!!!
Special Thanks to: The entire Samurai Release Group, Legend,Timesurfer, DjInferno
and to Everyone here at ET.....
Remember I only upload here at ET...Because ET Rocks!!!!!
Thanks Again for all your support..Oriadan
PS: It was just announced that Mitchell wont return for the fouth season.....