Documents To Go v10 (Portuguese)
Documents To Go is the only product on the market today with support for native Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF and TXT files as well as native JPEG and BMP graphics. You can even use files saved to expansion cards or sent as e-mail attachments directly on your smartphone or PDA without synchronization. Most importantly, your original desktop documents will never lose formatting when you make edits on your device using DataViz\\\'s unique InTact Technology.
The Premium Edition also supports password protected files, charting, pictures, spell checking for word processing files and even includes an integrated file explorer that let\\\'s you browse to your files on your device or expansion card!
Installation Instructions:
Run the .exe file
Follow instructions on screen
Sse the following Registration Number and Activation Code when ask.
Registration Number : 12345678-5535
Activation Code : 4E61-BC00FFCACED7